CHARTEROAK (Stonerush Ltd)
1 Saxon House
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NN18 9EZ

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Charteroak Holiday Lodges in CornwallCharteroak Holiday Lodges in Cornwall

Keeping your cool

With scorching sunshine temperatures, it’s no wonder you may have heard a lot of ‘It’s too hot’.  As a nation, we’re rarely happy with the weather and talk about it a lot - ‘too wet’, ‘too cold’, ‘too windy!’ - but in most conditions we know what to do to keep dry, warm or protected.  When the temperatures soar however, it becomes uncomfortable and we are at a loss how to keep cool. 

So here are some top tips to help your time at home or when on staycation be a little cooler!

Shutting the doors & windows
It sounds crazy, as it’s generally the first thing we all do when it’s hot…opening the windows.  Yet if there is no breeze to come through all you end up doing is inviting the heat to enter your home and heat the inside too!

Keep curtains closed
Combining the shutting of windows with closing curtains and blinds will ensure the sunshine can’t beat through and create any increase in temperature.

Get the air cool inside
In the UK we’re not all lucky enough to have air conditioning but we can make an alternative by placing a bowl of iced water in front of your standard fan, which will assist in placing cool air around the room.

Turn off as many electricals as possible
Electrical appliances produce heat, so turn off as many of these as possible,

Drink lots of water (and avoid coffee)
Keeping hydrated is so very important in hot conditions, but it also assists in cooling you down.  Avoid drinking coffee as this is a diuretic and will dehydrate you.

Cool down your hot zones
We have key pressure points which when a cold ice pack is placed on, will make you feel much cooler.  These pressure points are: 
• Our wrists
• Elbow bends
• Neck
• Behind the knees
• Ankles
• Temples

Choose cold food 
Try not to use the oven, this obviously will provide additional heat to any room and therefore to you.  Instead opt for salads, you’ll feel healthier and not be adding to overheating!

Have an ice cream!
Surely sunshine equals ice cream, it makes sense to assist in cooling us down and with a treat too, so go on!  Especially if you are on holiday, you deserve it! Lucky for us down in Cornwall we have some of the best ice cream makers around! Whatever you do to keep cool, remember to keep yourself and loved ones safe. Keep hydrated, ensure you wear sun protection, keep out of the sun between the hours of 11am & 2pm and ensure that your pets are looked after too!

Enjoy the sunshine, make the most of it and keep your cool! And if you haven’t booked your staycation just yet, take a look at our availability and give yourself something to look forward to. 

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  • David Bellamy Conservation Award - Hedgerows
  • David Bellamy Conservation Award - Wildflowers
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